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Upcoming Events 

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All tickets must be pre-purchased.

Refunds given only if we can resale your ticket.

Please text us if you cannot make it.

We look forward to seeing you!

Thursday December 12th

1212 Portal

Pyramid Gong Activation

📍 Awakened Soul


The 12th day of the 12th month of the year, a powerful numerology code is activated helping to raise the frequency of our light body, access high realms of consciousness, and bring a sense of completion to a greater cycle. This 1212 portal is an energetic doorway through which intense waves of energy of a higher vibration were ushered into the planetary consciousness to further assist the joint awakening of the planet as well as its inhabitants. 12 is a powerful number in numerology that represents wholeness and completion. We have 12 months in the year, and 12 signs in the (tropical) zodiac, and it is only once we have experienced all twelve of these states, that we can gain a bigger picture perspective and understanding as to where we have been. While we can understand things from our vantage point on this earthly realm, the numerology code of 1212 gives us the opportunity to see things from an even greater perspective and level of consciousness. We all have a light body or a field of energy that exists around us. Our light body has many different layers to it, but once activated, our light body allows us to travel across dimensions and into higher realms of consciousness and awareness. Our light body is also believed to be the vehicle that helps us return back to our true home and to Source energy.


Joni was guided for this 12/12 to bring to you a gong activation inside the copper pyramid. This Pyramid Activation process will consist of three gongs played simultaneously, two in front and one in back. The copper pyramid acts as a conduit, connecting to higher realms, as well as grounding to earth, while the gong vibrations create a vortex inside. Each will also have a turn to play the smaller gong for the person's experience just before their turn inside. Joni will go through a demonstration of playing the gong before we begin.


This being 12/12, so of course this event is $24 per person.

Refunds only given if I have time to resell your spot.

Space is limited to 12 Must preregister.

Monday December 30th 7:30pm

New Moon Manifesting Ceremony Circle

& Seated Meditation SoundBath

📍 Awakened Soul



New Moon is a reset button to do something new, or change things up in your life. New Moon symbolizes new beginnings, a fresh start, making it the ideal time to make wishes, set new intentions, and plant new seeds. We are coming upon a new year as well. and this ceremony is a perfect time to set your Hew Year intentions.


We will gather in a circle for ritual/Ceremony and setting intentions on what you want to manifest into your life, and intentions for the new year. We will then raise our vibration through meditation, and sound bath to align with the frequency of what we desire.


*Dress comfortable, we will be seated on floor chairs for this event (chair provided if you are unable to sit on the floor),



Limited seating, must preregister

$5 off if you register before December 28th

Saturday 1/11 730pm

1/11 New Year Sound Healing Journey

📍 On Stage Dance Studio


Joni & Chris Z (The Handpan Man) invite you to bring in the new year on this auspicious day of 1/11, by Raising Your Vibration in our Sound Healing Journey.



Opening with OMing. When we chant the three syllables together, we connect the separate states of being, moving from the physical body, to the subtle body, and finally to the energetic body. Each OM is a journey from the lowest form all the way to the highest, and then back again. A beautiful connection! Then Joni will guide us though shaking it off to to Chris on djembe. Allowing the drum vibration to break up stagnant energy, negativity and blocks. Anything you are holding onto that is not serving you, keeping you stuck, or from achieving your dreams. Once lighter in our bodies, you come into stillness and relaxation for a beautiful sound healing journey. The pure bliss of handpans, crystal and Tibetan singing bowls, bells, chimes, rain stick, ocean drum, and multiple gongs, will expand our consciousness and raise your vibration.



We are looking forward to coming together with you again for this amazing experience experiencing!



Event location;

On Stage Dance Studios 25 N. 100 E. Studio F (downstairs)

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