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Balancing Mind, Body, Soul & Spirit


Vibin' Shop • Events • Services

This magical space was originally created to assist you on your awakening journey. A space where like-minded souls connect, share, learn, experience and raise their vibration. With an energy of it's own, Awakened Soul is constantly evolving. Many are drawn to enter it's doors, even if it's just to take in the lovely high vibes of the shop! 

When you first come through our VIBIN' SHOP door, there’s a blissful intoxication as the aroma of sage, incense and candles fill the air.  A scent many wish they could bottle and take home! Added to this blissful scent of the space, you will find many crystals, spiritual items, singing bowls, gongs, drums, chimes, books, tapestries, clothing, jewelry and more. We stock many local and unique artists creations. There are so many VIBIN' treasures to take in!  Just to BE in this space is what often draws many like-minded awakening souls here. 

Here at Awakened Soul we also offer energy healing sessions, and some of you may have heard of Joni’s unique Awakened Soul Session. In these sessions one will experience a powerful combination of sound healing, frequencies through sound bed vibration, cleansing, chanelled energies, activations, downloads, and insights, that will assist you into a state of well-being. Joni's sessions asist in bringing in more of your own gifts, awareness, and alignment to your soul blueprint. Joni also offers sessions of Reiki, Access Consciousness Bars, Shit Shifting Sessions, Guided Meditation, Sound Baths (private, partner, groups), as well as remote energy sessions. All Joni's one on one sessions are ficilitated on a chakra crystal light sound bed.


New to our shop is our Crystal Light Sound Frequency Walk In Session Room. You can experience a Crystal Light Sound Bed Session or Copper Pyramid Crystal Light Therapy Session on a walk in basis now!


We all benefit from energy sessions, assisting us in acclimating to the new energies of today, helping with the integration process, keeping us more balanced, assisting healing, wellness, shifting, raising vibration, aligning one closer to their heart's desire, and highest good. As the energy of earth continues to rise, we are shifting more out of our head/ego, and more into our hearts, where we are vibrating at a higher LOVE frequency. As our mind, body, soul, and spirit become balanced it allows the natural healing process to take place; becoming more able to tune into our own energy body and facilitate our own healing on an emotional, mental, and physical level. This is essential with the changes our physical bodies are experiencing as these NEW higher energies are arriving on the planet. Plus these sessions feel AMAZING and you leave feeling lighter, like a blissful energy bath.

Life's amazing journey is full of gifted souls here to share in our experiences, and to assist one another on this journey. We are honored to be sharing this space and facilitating in this process.

15 N. Main Street

St. George, Utah 84770

Vibin' Shop Hours

Monday - Saturday

11:11am - 5:55pm


Energy & Sound Healing Sessions 

 With Crystal Light Bed Therapy


Monthly events are posted in on our shop, on website event page, & Facebook. 

Check event for location

Pre-registration required

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